- rdtools.plotting.tune_filter_plot(signal, mask, display_web_browser=False)
This function allows the user to visualize filtered data in a Plotly plot, after tweaking the function's different parameters. The plot of signal colored according to mask can be zoomed in on, for an in-depth look.
- Parameters:
signal (pandas.Series) -- Index of the Pandas series is a Pandas datetime index. Usually this is PV power or energy, but other signals will work.
mask (pandas.Series) -- Pandas series of booleans, where included data periods are marked as True, and omitted-data periods occurs are marked as False. Should have the same detetime index as signal.
display_web_browser (boolean, default False) -- When set to True, the Plotly graph is displayed in the user's web browser.
- Return type:
Interactive Plotly graph, with the masked time series for the filter.