
Functions for plotting degradation and soiling analysis results.


availability_summary_plots(power_system, ...)

Create a figure summarizing the availability analysis results.

degradation_summary_plots(yoy_rd, yoy_ci, ...)

Create plots (scatter plot and histogram) that summarize degradation analysis results.

degradation_timeseries_plot(yoy_info[, ...])

Plot resampled time series of degradation trend with time

soiling_interval_plot(soiling_info, ...[, ...])

Create figure to visualize valid soiling profiles used in the SRR analysis.

soiling_monte_carlo_plot(soiling_info, ...)

Create figure to visualize Monte Carlo of soiling profiles used in the SRR analysis.

soiling_rate_histogram(soiling_info[, bins])

Create histogram of soiling rates found in the SRR analysis.

tune_filter_plot(signal, mask[, ...])

This function allows the user to visualize filtered data in a Plotly plot, after tweaking the function's different parameters.