
rdtools.normalization.normalize_with_pvwatts(energy, pvwatts_kws)

Normalize system AC energy output given measured poa_global and meteorological data. This method uses the PVWatts V5 module model.

Energy timeseries and poa_global timeseries can be different granularities.

  • energy (pandas.Series) -- Energy time series to be normalized [Wh]. Must be a right-labeled regular time series.

  • pvwatts_kws (dict) -- Dictionary of parameters used in the pvwatts_dc_power function. See Other Parameters.

  • poa_global (pandas.Series) -- Total effective plane of array irradiance [W/m**2].

  • power_dc_rated (float) -- Rated DC power of array [W]

  • temperature_cell (pandas.Series, optional) -- Measured or derived cell temperature [degrees Celsius]. Time series assumed to be same frequency as poa_global. If omitted, the temperature term will be ignored.

  • poa_global_ref (float, default 1000) -- Reference irradiance at standard test condition [W/m**2].

  • temperature_cell_ref (float, default 25) -- Reference temperature at standard test condition [degrees Celsius].

  • gamma_pdc (float, default None) -- Linear array efficiency temperature coefficient [1 / degree Celsius]. If omitted, the temperature term will be ignored.


All series are assumed to be right-labeled, meaning that the recorded value at a given timestamp refers to the previous time interval


  • energy_normalized (pandas.Series) -- Energy divided by PVWatts DC energy [unitless].

  • insolation (pandas.Series) -- Insolation associated with each normalized point [Wh/m**2]