TrendAnalysis object-oriented example

This juypter notebook is intended to demonstrate the RdTools analysis workflow as implemented with the rdtools.TrendAnalysis object-oriented API. For a consistent experience, we recommend installing the packages and versions documented in docs/notebook_requirements.txt. This can be achieved in your environment by running pip install -r docs/notebook_requirements.txt from the base directory. (RdTools must also be separately installed.) This notebook was tested in python 3.12.

The calculations consist of two phases:

  1. Import and preliminary calculations: In this step data is important and augmented to enable analysis with RdTools. No RdTools functions are used in this step. It will vary depending on the particulars of your dataset. Be sure to understand the inputs RdTools requires and make appropriate adjustments.

  2. Analysis with RdTools: This notebook illustrates the use of the TrendAnalysis API to year on year (YOY) degradation and recovery (SRR) soiling calculations.

This notebook works with data from the NREL PVDAQ [4] NREL x-Si #1 system. Note that because this system does not experience significant soiling, the dataset contains a synthesized soiling signal for use in the soiling section of the example. This notebook automatically downloads and locally caches the dataset used in this example. The data can also be found on the DuraMAT Datahub (

An older version of this notebook (RdTools<3) included emphasis on the clear sky workflow which uses clear sky modeled irradiance rather than measured (sensor) irradiance for analysis. The clear sky analysis served to double check the sensor based result for things like sensor drift, but there was high uncertainty with this approach because aerosal optical depth (AOD), an input to the clear sky irradiance model, can change from year to year. Therefore we have de-emphasized the clear sky workflow in this version of the notebook. We also include a new notebook that illustrates the use of satellite irradiance data, which can serve as a check on the sensor-based analysis.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pvlib
import rdtools
%matplotlib inline
#Update the style of plots
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12,
                           'figure.figsize': [4.5, 3],
                           'lines.markeredgewidth': 0,
                           'lines.markersize': 2
# Register time series plotting in pandas > 1.0
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
# Set the random seed for numpy to ensure consistent results

Import and preliminary calculations

This section prepares the data necessary for an rdtools calculation.

A common challenge is handling datasets with and without daylight savings time. Make sure to specify a pytz timezone that does or does not include daylight savings time as appropriate for your dataset.

The steps of this section may change depending on your data source or the system being considered. Note that nothing in this first section utilizes the ``rdtools`` library. Transposition of irradiance and modeling of cell temperature are generally outside the scope of rdtools. A variety of tools for these calculations are available in pvlib.

# Import the example data
file_url = (''
cache_file = 'PVDAQ_system_4_2010-2016_subset_soilsignal.pickle'

    df = pd.read_pickle(cache_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
    df = pd.read_csv(file_url, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
df = df.rename(columns = {
    'wind_speed': 'wind_speed',
    'ambient_temp': 'Tamb',
    'poa_irradiance': 'poa',

# Specify the Metadata
meta = {"latitude": 39.7406,
        "longitude": -105.1774,
        "timezone": 'Etc/GMT+7',
        "gamma_pdc": -0.005,
        "azimuth": 180,
        "tilt": 40,
        "power_dc_rated": 1000.0,

df.index = df.index.tz_localize(meta['timezone'])

# Set the pvlib location
loc = pvlib.location.Location(meta['latitude'], meta['longitude'], tz = meta['timezone'])

# There is some missing data, but we can infer the frequency from
# the first several data points
freq = pd.infer_freq(df.index[:10])

This example dataset includes a synthetic soiling signal that can be applied onto the PV power data to illustrate the soiling loss and detection capabilities of RdTools. AC Power is multiplied by soiling to create the synthetic ‘power’ channel

# Plot synthetic soiling signal attached to the dataset
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,3))
ax.plot(df.index, df.soiling, 'o', alpha=0.01)
ax.set_ylabel('soiling signal');

df['power'] = df['power_ac'] * df['soiling']

Use of the object oriented system analysis API

The first step is to create a TrendAnalysis instance containing data to be analyzed and information about the system. Here we illustrate a basic applicaiton, but the API is highly customizable and we encourage you to read the docstrings and check the source for full details.

ta = rdtools.TrendAnalysis(df['power'], df['poa'],

Once the TrendAnalysis object is ready, the sensor_analysis() method can be used to deploy the full chain of analysis steps. Results are stored in nested dict, TrendAnalysis.results.

New in RdTools 3, there are two filtering steps. The first step occurs after normalization but before aggregation, and the second after aggregation. Filters utilized in the first filtering step can be adjusted by changing the dict TrendAnalysis.filter_params. Filters used in the second filtering step can be adjusted by changing the dict TrendAnalysis.filter_params_aggregated.

Here we also illustrate how the aggregated data can be used to estimate soiling losses using the stochastic rate and recovery (SRR) method.1 Since our example system doesn’t experience much soiling, we apply an artificially generated soiling signal, just for the sake of example. If the dataset doesn’t require special treatment, the ‘srr_soiling’ analysis type can just be added to the sensor_analysis function below. A warning is emitted here because the underlying RdTools soiling module is still experimental and subject to change.

1M. G. Deceglie, L. Micheli and M. Muller, “Quantifying Soiling Loss Directly From PV Yield,” IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 547-551, March 2018. doi: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2784682

/Users/mdecegli/Documents/GitHub/rdtools/rdtools/ UserWarning: The soiling module is currently experimental. The API, results, and default behaviors may change in future releases (including MINOR and PATCH releases) as the code matures.

The results of the calculations are stored in a nested dict, TrendAnalysis.results

yoy_results = ta.results['sensor']['yoy_degradation']
srr_results = ta.results['sensor']['srr_soiling']
# Print the sensor-based analysis p50 degradation rate and confidence interval
print(np.round(yoy_results['p50_rd'], 3))
print(np.round(yoy_results['rd_confidence_interval'], 3))
[-0.611 -0.322]
# Print the p50 inoslation-weighted soiling ration and confidence interval
print(np.round(srr_results['p50_sratio'], 3))
print(np.round(srr_results['sratio_confidence_interval'], 3))
[0.95  0.957]


The TrendAnalysis class has built in methods for making useful plots

# check that PV energy is roughly proportional to irradiance
# Loops and other features in this plot can indicate things like
# time zone problems for irradiance transposition errors.
fig = ta.plot_pv_vs_irradiance('sensor')
# Plot the sensor based degradation results
fig = ta.plot_degradation_summary('sensor', summary_title='Sensor-based degradation results',
                                  scatter_ymin=0.5, scatter_ymax=1.1,
                                  hist_xmin=-30, hist_xmax=45)
# Plot a time-dependent median (plus confidence interval) of sensor-based degradation results
fig = ta.plot_degradation_timeseries('sensor', rolling_days=365)

The TrendAnalysis class also has built-in methods for plots associated with soiling analysis

fig = ta.plot_soiling_monte_carlo('sensor', profile_alpha=0.01, profiles=500)
/Users/mdecegli/Documents/GitHub/rdtools/rdtools/ UserWarning: The soiling module is currently experimental. The API, results, and default behaviors may change in future releases (including MINOR and PATCH releases) as the code matures.
fig = ta.plot_soiling_interval('sensor')
/Users/mdecegli/Documents/GitHub/rdtools/rdtools/ UserWarning: The soiling module is currently experimental. The API, results, and default behaviors may change in future releases (including MINOR and PATCH releases) as the code matures.
fig = ta.plot_soiling_rate_histogram('sensor', bins=50)
/Users/mdecegli/Documents/GitHub/rdtools/rdtools/ UserWarning: The soiling module is currently experimental. The API, results, and default behaviors may change in future releases (including MINOR and PATCH releases) as the code matures.

We can also view a table of the valid soiling intervals and associated metrics

interval_summary = ta.results['sensor']['srr_soiling']['calc_info']['soiling_interval_summary']
start end soiling_rate soiling_rate_low soiling_rate_high inferred_start_loss inferred_end_loss length valid
5 2010-03-10 00:00:00-07:00 2010-04-08 00:00:00-07:00 -0.001577 -0.003637 0.000000 1.063788 1.018062 29 True
6 2010-04-09 00:00:00-07:00 2010-06-11 00:00:00-07:00 -0.000955 -0.001237 -0.000640 1.024589 0.964412 63 True
9 2010-06-15 00:00:00-07:00 2010-07-13 00:00:00-07:00 -0.000594 -0.001868 0.000000 1.072710 1.056087 28 True
12 2010-10-11 00:00:00-07:00 2011-01-28 00:00:00-07:00 -0.001143 -0.001301 -0.001000 1.057288 0.932740 109 True
15 2011-02-11 00:00:00-07:00 2011-03-14 00:00:00-07:00 -0.001913 -0.002793 -0.001307 1.020735 0.961439 31 True

Modifying and inspecting the filters

Filter parameters for the first filtering step can be adjusted from their default paramters by modifying the attribute TrendAnalysis.filter_params, which is a dict where the keys are names of functions in rdtools.filtering, and the values are a dict of the parameters for the associated filter. In the following example we modify the POA filter to have a low cutoff of 500 W/m^2 and use an alternate method in the clipping filter.

# Instantiate a new instance of TrendAnalysis
ta_new_filter = rdtools.TrendAnalysis(df['power'], df['poa'],

# Modify the poa and clipping filter parameters
ta_new_filter.filter_params['poa_filter'] = {'poa_global_low':500}
ta_new_filter.filter_params['clip_filter'] = {'model':'xgboost'}

# Run the YOY degradation analysis
# We can inspect the filter components with the attributes sensor_filter_components and clearsky_filter_components
normalized_filter poa_filter tcell_filter clip_filter
2010-02-25 14:16:00-07:00 False False True True
2010-02-25 14:17:00-07:00 True False True True
2010-02-25 14:18:00-07:00 True False True True
2010-02-25 14:19:00-07:00 True False True True
2010-02-25 14:20:00-07:00 True False True True
# and we can inspect the final filter sensor_filter and clearsky_filter
2010-02-25 14:16:00-07:00    False
2010-02-25 14:17:00-07:00    False
2010-02-25 14:18:00-07:00    False
2010-02-25 14:19:00-07:00    False
2010-02-25 14:20:00-07:00    False
Freq: min, dtype: bool
# Visualize the filter
# these visualiztions can take up a lot of memory
# so just look at small subset of the data for this example