RdTools Change Log

v2.1.8 (November 17, 2023)

Bug fixes


v2.1.7 (November 3, 2023)


  • Limit pandas version to <2.1 (GH #395)

  • Several packages updated in``requirements.txt`` and docs/notebook_requirements.txt (GH #398)


  • Update ReadTheDocs configuration (GH #395)


v2.1.6 (July 31, 2023)

Bug Fixes



  • Increased the minimum versions of several dependencies: (GH #371)

    • pandas increased to 1.3.0 (released July 2, 2021)

    • numpy to 1.17.3 (released October 17, 2019)

    • statsmodels to 0.11.0 (released February 21, 2020)

    • scipy to 1.2.0 (released December 17, 2018)

  • Add support for pvlib 0.10 (GH #378)

  • Updated notebook requirements (GH #360)

  • Bumps certifi from 2020.12.5 to 2022.12.7 (GH #357)


  • Extended pip timeout (GH #360)

  • Updated example notebooks with new figure sizes (GH #360)


v2.1.5 (May 16, 2023)

Bug Fixes


v2.1.4 (December 1, 2022)

Bug Fixes


  • Added a CI notebook check (GH #270)


  • Upgrade the notebook environment from python 3.7 to python 3.10. Several dependency versions in docs/notebook_requirements.txt are updated as well. (GH #319, GH #326)

  • Bump ipython==7.16.3, jupyter-console==6.4.0, and prompt-toolkit==3.0.27 in docs/notebook_requirements.txt and bump Pillow==9.3.0 in requirements.txt (GH #314, GH #349)

  • Bump jupyter-core==4.11.2 in docs\notebook_requirements.txt (GH #350)

  • Bump sphinx version from 3.2 to 4.5 and nbsphinx version from 0.8.5 to 0.8.8 in the optional [doc] requirements (GH #317, GH #325)

  • A number of other requirements updates (GH #337)


v2.1.3 (January 6, 2022)

Bug fixes


  • Added support for python 3.10 and dropped support for python 3.6 (which reached end of life on Dec 23, 2021) (GH #302)

  • Bumped several minimum package versions (GH #302):

    • h5py increased to 2.8.0 (released June 4, 2018)

    • pandas increased to 0.23.2 (released July 6, 2018)

    • scipy increased to 1.1.0 (released May 5, 2018)

    • statsmodels increased to 0.9.0 (released May 14, 2018)

  • Update pinned versions of several dependencies in requirements.txt (GH #302)


  • Drop python 3.6 and add 3.10 to the CI configuration (GH #302)

  • Add new assert_warnings helper function to conftest.py (GH #302)

v2.1.2 (December 22, 2021)

Bug fixes

  • XGBoost model saved in a version-stable json. Removes the xgboost version restriction of version 2.1.1. (GH #301, GH #304)


  • joblib removed as requirement (GH #304)

  • XGBoost version in requirements.txt updated to 1.5.1 (GH #304)


v2.1.1 (November 30, 2021)

This patch release temporarily requires xgboost < 1.5.0. A future update will allow a wider version range. (GH #301, GH #297)

v2.1.0 (September 17, 2021)

API Changes

  • The calculations internal to the soiling SRR algorithm have changed such that consecutive cleaning events are no longer removed. (GH #199, GH #189)

  • The calculations internal to the soiling SRR algorithm have changed such that "invalid" intervals are retained at the beginning and end of the dataset for the purposes of the SRR Monte Carlo. Invalid intervals are those that do not qualify to be fit as soiling intervals based on min_interval_length, max_relative_slope_error, and max_negative_step. (GH #199, GH #272)

  • The default day_scale parameter in soiling functions and methods was changed from 14 to 13. A recommendation to use an odd value along with a warning for even values was also added. (GH #199, GH #189)

  • The default min_interval_length in soiling functions and methods was changed from 2 to 7. (GH #199)


Bug fixes


  • Corrected a typo in the TrendAnalysis docstring (GH #264)

  • Enabled intersphinx so that function parameter types are linked to external documentation (GH #258)


  • Installation (setup.py) now requires plotly, joblib, xgboost, and scikit-learn

  • Update pinned versions of several dependencies in requirements.txt and docs/notebook_requirements.txt (GH #289, GH #295)

  • Add support for pvlib 0.9 and remove the tables dependency added in v2.1.0b0 (GH #290)

Example Updates

  • TrendAnalysis_example_pvdaq4.ipynb added

  • degradation_and_soiling_example_pvdaq_4.ipynb updated to use the same artificial soiling signal imposed in new notebook TrendAnalysis_example_pvdaq4.ipynb throughout the analysis.

  • degradation_and_soiling_example_pvdaq_4.ipynb updated to illustrate new clipping models and filter-tuning plots.


v2.0.6 (July 16, 2021)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a failure of get_clearsky_tamb() with pandas 1.3.0 (GH #284)

  • Change internal casting of timestamps into integers to use .view() instead of pandas deprecated .astype() method (GH #284)


  • Update specified versions of bleach in docs/notebook_requirements.txt and matplotlib in requirements.txt (GH #261)


v2.0.5 (2020-12-30) and v2.1.0-beta.2 (2021-01-29)


  • Add a flake8 code style check to the continuous integration checks (GH #231)

  • Moved several pytest fixtures from soiling_test.py and availability_test.py to conftest.py so that they are shared across test files (GH #231)

  • Add Python 3.9 to CI testing (GH #249)

  • Fix test suite error raised when using pandas 1.2.0 (GH #251)


  • Organized example notebooks into a sphinx gallery (GH #240)


  • Add support for python 3.9 (GH #249)

  • Update requirements.txt versions for numpy, scipy, pandas, h5py and statsmodels to versions that have wheels available for python 3.6-3.9. Note that the minimum versions are unchanged. (GH #249).


v2.0.4 and v2.1.0-beta.1 (December 4, 2020)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug related to leading NaN values with energy_from_power(). This fixed a small normalization error in degradation_and_soiling_example.ipynb and slightly changed the clear-sky degradation results (GH #244, GH #245)


v2.1.0-beta.0 (November 20, 2020)


  • Add new analysis_chains module to focus on objected-oriented analysis workflows combining other RdTools modules. Includes TrendAnalysis class for sensor- and clear-sky-based soiling and degradation analyses (GH #117).


  • tables added as a requirement (GH #196).

Example Updates

  • New example notebook based on PVDAQ system #4 for the new TrendAnalysis analysis work flow (GH #196 and GH #117).

  • Update degradation_and_soiling_example_pvdaq_4.ipynb example to match best practice, including pvlib.get_total_irradiance() in rdtools.interpolate (GH #196 and GH #117).

  • Update degradation_and_soiling_example_pvdaq_4.ipynb example to use a single soiling * ac_power signal (GH #196).


v2.0.3 (November 20, 2020)


  • Change to docs/notebook_requirements.txt: notebook version from 5.7.8 to 6.1.5 and terminado version from 0.8.1 to 0.8.3 (GH #239)


v2.0.2 (November 17, 2020)



v2.0.1 (October 30, 2020)



v2.0.0 (October 20, 2020)

Version 2.0.0 adds experimental soiling and availability modules, plotting capability, and includes updates to normalization work flow. This major release introduces some breaking changes to the API. Details below.

API Changes


Bug fixes


  • Add Python 3.7 and 3.8 to CI testing (GH #135).

  • Add CI configuration based on the minimum dependency versions (GH #197)


  • Create sphinx documentation and set up ReadTheDocs (GH #125).

  • Add guides on running tests and building sphinx docs (GH #136).

  • Improve module-level docstrings (GH #137).

  • Update landing page and add new "Inverter Downtime" documentation page based on the availability notebook (GH #131)


  • Drop support for Python 2.7, minimum supported version is now 3.6 (GH #135).

  • Increase minimum pvlib version to 0.7.0 (GH #170)

  • Update requirements.txt and notebook_requirements.txt to avoid conflicting specifications. Taken together, they represent the complete environment for the notebook example (GH #164).

  • Add minimum matplotlib requirement of 3.0.0 (released September 18, 2018) (GH #197)

  • Increase minimum numpy version from 1.12 (released January 15, 2017) to 1.15 (released July 23, 2018) (GH #197)

Example Updates

  • Seed numpy.random to ensure repeatable results (GH #164).

  • Use normalized_filter() instead of manually filtering the normalized energy timeseries. Also updated the associated mask variable names (GH #139).

  • Add soiling section to the original example notebook.

  • Add a new example notebook that analyzes data from a PV system located at NREL's South Table Mountain campus (PVDAQ system #4) (GH #171).

  • Explicitly register pandas datetime converters which were deprecated.

  • Add new system_availability_example.ipynb notebook (GH #131)


v1.2.3 (April 12, 2020)

  • Updates dependencies

  • Versioneer bug fix

  • Licence update


v1.2.2 (October 12, 2018)

Patch that adds author email to enable pypi deployment


v1.2.1 (October 12, 2018)

This update includes automated testing and deployment to support development along with some bug fixes to the library itself, a documented environment for the example notebook, and new example results to reflect changes in the example dataset. It addresses GH #49, GH #76, GH #78, GH #79, GH #80, GH #85, GH #86, and GH #92.


v1.2.0 (March 30, 2018)

This incorporates changes including:

  • Enables users to control confidence intervals reported in degradation calculations (GH #59)

  • Adds python 3 support (GH #56 and GH #67)

  • Fixes bugs (GH #61 GH #57)

  • Improvements/typo fixes to docstrings

  • Fixes error in check for two years of data in degradation_year_on_year

  • Improves the calculations underlying irradiance_rescale


v1.1.3 (December 6, 2017)

This patch includes the following changes:

  1. Update the notebook for improved plotting with Pandas v.0.21.0

  2. Fix installation bug related to package data


v1.1.2 (November 6, 2017)

This patch includes the following changes:

  1. Fix bugs in installation

  2. Update requirements

  3. Notebook plots made compatible with pandas v.0.21.0


v1.1.1 (November 1, 2017)

This patch:

  1. Improves documentation

  2. Fixes installation requirements


v1.1.0 (September 30, 2017)

This update includes the addition of filters, functions to support a clear-sky workflow, and updates to the example notebook.
