
rdtools.normalization.normalize_with_sapm(energy, sapm_kws)

Deprecated since version 2.0.0: The normalize_with_sapm function was deprecated in rdtools 2.0.0 and will be removed in 3.0.0. Use normalize_with_expected_power instead.

Normalize system AC energy output given measured met_data and meteorological data. This method relies on the Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM) to compute the effective DC energy using measured irradiance, ambient temperature, and wind speed.

Energy timeseries and met_data timeseries can be different granularities.


The pvlib_pvsystem argument must be a pvlib.pvsystem.LocalizedPVSystem object, which is no longer available as of pvlib 0.9.0. To use this function you'll need to use an older version of pvlib.

  • energy (pandas.Series) -- Energy time series to be normalized in watt hours. Must be a right-labeled regular time series.

  • sapm_kws (dict) -- Dictionary of parameters required for sapm_dc_power function. See Other Parameters.

Other Parameters
  • pvlib_pvsystem (pvlib.pvsystem.LocalizedPVSystem object) -- Object contains orientation, geographic coordinates, equipment constants (including DC rated power in watts). The object must also specify either the temperature_model_parameters attribute or both racking_model and module_type to infer the model parameters.

  • met_data (pandas.DataFrame) -- Measured met_data, ambient temperature, and wind speed. Expected column names are ['DNI', 'GHI', 'DHI', 'Temperature', 'Wind Speed']


All series are assumed to be right-labeled, meaning that the recorded value at a given timestamp refers to the previous time interval


  • energy_normalized (pandas.Series) -- Energy divided by Sandia Model DC energy.

  • insolation (pandas.Series) -- Insolation associated with each normalized point